An Easy Way to Cut Fabric for Bias Tape
I used to do a lot of quilting and am trying my best to get back into it… Most crafters know how to make their own bias tape or binding and there are some really great resources online for doing this. I found a way that makes it so much quicker (for me anyway) and want to share how to cut bias tape with a rotary cutting machine!
I bought a rotary cutting machine (<– affiliate link!) that has made cutting bias tape so much easier for me! I am too lazy to draw line after line with a chalk pencil on the fabric before making the “twisted tube” to cut bias tape. The rotary cutting machine cuts the fabric into strips for me quickly and easily! The machine features a speed control knob so that you can speed through cutting bias tape or take your time. The depth of the blade can be adjusted for thicker or thinner fabrics, as well as for paper. The machine uses a standard 45mm blade and the blades can easily be changed. The machine also features a gripper wheel that helps feed fabric through the blade.
I would link to a site on how to make continuous bias tape but there are so many, it wouldn’t be fair! Do a quick search for “making continuous bias tape” and select one you like. Follow the instructions to make the “twisted tube” with the exception of drawing the lines and cutting the tube into strips.
The rotary cutting machine has a guide on the front to help keep the fabric straight and has measurements on the front so that the bias tape can be cut at the right size. For some reason, the measurements on my machine do not match up with the blade – mine is at least 1″ off! I don’t normally use the guide, either. The fabric doesn’t stay in the guide and it makes it harder to use!
Align the starting point of the tube with the blade. Press the control foot, and off you go! Keep the fabric lined up with the measurement line to cut the strips in a consistent size.
That is it – done in minutes! Another really cool thing about this machine is that the wavy or pinking blades can be used for decorative edges or the blanket stitch blade can be used to create small holes for crocheted edges on fabric! There are a lot of really neat things that can be done with this machine and I am just breaking the surface, so to speak, with my machine! Have any questions about how to cut bias tape with a rotary cutting machine? Leave a comment below!
I bought this machine with my own money. It was expensive but so worth it for me and I wanted to share it! Trust me, the world will not implode if you don’t buy it but it is a worthwhile investment if you make lots of bias tape!
Originally posted 2014-12-10 09:13:19.