Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook

Back to School Upgrade – Composition Notebook

I can’t believe it is almost time for school to start! As my daughter enters her junior year in high school, I want to send her off to school in style… I general buy school supplies at discount stores and this year I decided to add a bit of flair to them with a few simple craft supplies. For this project, I added scrapbooking paper and washi tape to a composition notebook. It was super simple and inexpensive, and I will show you how!

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Finished


  • Plain composition notebook
  • 2 – 12″ x 12″ sheets of scrapbooking paper
  • Mod Podge (<– affiliate link!) and a brush
  • Washi tape

I started by applying Mod Podge to the back cover of the notebook with a wide craft paint brush. I did not apply the Mod Podge to the tape binding on the notebook. I aligned the scrapbooking paper at the edge of the tape binding, then smoothed it in place.

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Back

I applied Mod Podge to the front cover, the positioned the scrapbooking paper and smoothed it down.

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Front

Once the Mod Podge was dry, I trimmed the excess paper away with a pair of scissors, cutting as close to the edge of the covers as I could.

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Cut Away

I applied a coat of Mod Podge to the paper on each side of the notebook, as well as the edges.

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Mod Podge

I added strips of washi tape to cover the existing tape binding on the notebook, and overlapped the scrapbooking paper on the covers just a bit. Three strips of washi tape was enough to cover the spine!

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Binding

I cut a monogram out of a piece of vinyl and applied it to the front cover.

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Monogram

That’s it! So easy and her school supplies look so darn cute! Stay tuned for other back-to-school upgrade posts where I will share how I updated a few other things…

Adding Scrapbooking Paper and Washi Tape to a Composition Notebook_Back

Here is a link to another great notebook project… Have any questions about adding scrapbooking paper and washi tape to a composition notebook? Leave a comment below!

Originally posted 2015-07-27 08:00:03.

By Cher

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