A Quick and Easy Burlap Table Runner
I’ve mentioned before that I am a frequent stalker of the dollar area at Target… Seriously, they have so many awesome things for crafters! I found these plain pieces of burlap (sold as table runners) that I figured I could transform into fabulous painted burlap table runners with bias tape edges. This is a super cheap, quick, and easy project!
- Plain burlap table runner (or 1/3 yard of burlap fabric at least 36″ wide – <– affiliate link!)
- Bias tape & matching thread
- Paint (use fabric paint if the runner will be washed)
- Stencil
- Sponge paint spouncer
I started by applying the bias tape around the edges of the burlap, mitering the corners. To save a bit of cash (and reduce the fabric hoard) I made my own bias tape which is very easy to do. Take a look at this great tutorial on making your own!
I lightly pressed the bias tape and the runner.
I placed a piece of wax paper under the runner so that I wouldn’t get paint all over the countertop – trust me, there is plenty of paint already on it! I added a few pieces of blue painter’s tape to make stripes at each end of the burlap.
I taped the stencil in place, then used the sponge spouncer to add the paint. Make sure there isn’t too much paint on the spouncer because it may bleed under the stencil.
I removed the tape and the stencil once I was finished painting. Make sure the stencil is washed while the paint is still wet so that it doesn’t dry on the stencil!
Adorbs! I love the painted burlap table runner, especially the color of the paint. I bought a total of three and am excited to make others with different patterns and paint colors. What style of stencil or color of paint would you use? Leave your ideas below!
Originally posted 2015-06-01 08:00:54.
Another cute and colorful project. I see you’re into AQUA lately. Great summer color (and I’m still likin’ those cool coat hangers!)
Thanks, Cheryl! I have always loved aqua! Thank you so much for stopping by!