Create Outdoor Ambient Lighting with Recycled Jars
Now that Summer is fast approaching, it is time to think about outdoor entertaining. What better accent for the next barbecue or bonfire than these easy to make frosted jar lanterns? The lanterns are made using recycled jars with reverse stencils and frosted spray paint. Add a cute candle (citronella, maybe?) and the lanterns will create a soft glow!
- Clean jars
- Vinyl stencils
- Frosted spray paint (<– affiliate link!)
I thoroughly washed the jars then wiped them down with a bit of vinegar. The vinegar helps remove any grease left on the glass and make a great surface for the paint to adhere.
I used my vinyl cutter to cut out a few shapes to apply to the outside of each jar. This is what I refer to as “reverse stenciling” as the shapes create a block, so to speak, for the spray paint. So when the shapes are removed, the glass is clear!
I taped off the neck of the jar where the threads for the lid are located because I wanted that area to remain clear.
I sprayed the entire jar with frosted spray paint. This look can also be achieved by using etching cream or an air eraser (a small sandblaster) to etch the glass.
Once the paint was dry, I removed the shapes and the tape from the top. I added candles to the inside of the jars and lit them up…
I love the soft glow they create! I may add colorful wire to the necks of the jars (where the threads for the caps are) so they can hang. Wouldn’t that be cute?
These lanterns are a great way to use recycled jars and would also make great gifts. How would you decorate these easy to make frosted jar lanterns? Leave your ideas below!
Originally posted 2015-05-20 08:00:18.